The Zones of Regulation Visual & Multisensory Supports

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Visual & multisensory supports to teach The Zones of Regulation

Award-winning strategy cards & posters

Engage children in learning about their feelings & emotions

Whether you’re new to The Zones of Regulation or a seasoned practitioner—you know how important it is to engage children in learning about their feelings and emotions across situations at home, school, and in the community.

Our award-winning visual and multisensory Zones supports are user-friendly and empower children to understand their feelings and make choices to figure out what works best for them.

For best teaching practice, our visual and multisensory products should be used in tandem with The Zones of Regulation curriculum.

Visual supports for use in your classroom, clinic, or home

Use these colorful visual & multisensory supports for in-the-moment social learning and review of specific aspects taught within The Zones of Regulation curriculum lessons at home, school, and in therapeutic settings.

These games help children learn to apply their learning about their feelings within the four Zones

Testimonials from Parents, Teachers, and Clinicians
