Movie Time Social Learning

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Movie Time Social Learning

Using Movies to Teaching Social Thinking and Social Understanding

Author: Anna Vagin

Watch movies and YouTube video clips as a strategy to explore and teach complex social interactions, the range and depth of emotions, and social communication. This innovative guide shows educators and clinicians how to scaffold three levels of teaching for three types of social learning styles. Each lesson plan identifies the video clips to use and then presents ideas and tips for teaching and tailoring Spy Eye (context, feelings, thoughts, and plan), Detective Head (perspective taking), and Me Too! (personal connections) tasks to each of the learner categories. Lesson plans and ready-to-print instruction materials available via a download link included in the book.

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  • Ages: Ages 4-18 Activities
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780982523193
  • Pages: 162
  • Published: 2012